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Leeds Junior Chess Club
Approved English Chess Federation Development Pathway Club
Members' Games
Interesting game between Daniel and Thabiso in the Yorkshire League.
Yael v Robert South from Yorkshire League Alwoodley B v C. An epic game lasting 3 hours. A brave attempt by Yael which didn't pay off in the end.
Game by Vishnu about which he says: I thought that this was a good game because I used a tactic in the opening that gave me a defining advantage right from the start. Even though i flagged my opponent it was still a nice game due to the fact that I used my own time to prep this trap against caro kann players.
Our first online match v York - the game that clinched victory for us. Angelica v Bradley Triffitt. Victory for the Grand Prix attack!!
A really good hold from Suhrith Yerabati to get a vital draw against York against Max Parkhouse.
Angelica Rowe played for Alwoodley B v Alwoodley C recently. She caught her opponent offguard with a surprise attack on f7. He didn't know the defence (Nh6) so got into all sorts of trouble.
Here is a game from our first online tournament played between our coach David Pedro and a member.
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